What is craniomandibular dysfunction (CMD)?
Craniomandibular dysfunction, simply referred to as CMD, means that something between the skull (cranium) and the lower jaw (mandible) is not functioning properly. The complexity of these disorders requires a high level of multidisciplinary understanding, as CMD hides behind a variety of symptoms.
- Headaches or "migraine"-like headaches
- Pain of the temporomandibular joint muscles
- Cracking of the temporomandibular joint
- Weakness of the masticatory muscles
- Limited ability to open the mouth
- Pressing and grinding
- Grinding facets on the occlusal surfaces
- Lesions on the enamel in the area of the tooth necks
- Fractures of teeth and prosthetic restorations
Tongue/ Cheeks
- Bite marks
- Scarring
- Earache
- Ringing in the ears
- Tinnitus
- Stagger
- Sensitization to sudden loud noises
- Influence on the entire hearing ability
- increased sensitivity to light
- double vision
- fatigue of one or both eyes
- Impairment of visual acuity
- painful cramping and tension
- Muscle hardening in the individual parts of the body
- painful cramping and tension
- Muscle hardening in the individual parts of the body
- painful cramping and tension
- Muscle hardening in the individual parts of the body